The international team of Sissa (International School for Advanced Studies), Italy, collaborated with the researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Leeds to develop a new multi-electrode for spinal cord stimulation.
Press Review
Demand for Neurorehabilitation Devices Market Future Scope Analysis Report 2027
Digital Journal
NYU Tandon researchers explore a more frictionless future
This work-conducted in collaboration with NYU Tandon graduate student Francesco Lavini, and colleagues from the International School for Advanced Studies, the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste Italy, as well as Prague's Charles University-could lead to more efficient manufacturing processes, greener vehicles, and a generally more sustainable world.
Portorose. Gli istituti scolastici sono la base della salvaguardia e tutela della CNI
La Voce
Stefano Canali, dottore di ricerca in Logica ed Epistemologia, ricercatore presso l'Area Neuroscienze e il Laboratorio interdisciplinare per le Scienze naturali e umanistiche della Scuola internazionale superiore di Studi avanzati - SISSA.
La vita fa 40
Media INAF
Giovanni Paolo Vladilo [...] È stato docente delle discipline "Pianeti e Astrobiologia" e "Astronomia Osservativa" del corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica dell'Università di Trieste, e di Astrobiologia nel corso di dottorato "Astrofisica e Cosmologia" della Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Sissa).
Espressioni facciali come le impronte digitali: uniche e irripetibili
Meteo Web
"Ogni individuo possiede una rappresentazione unica su come vengano espresse differenti emozioni, affine all'idea di un'impronta digitale". E' quanto spiegato da Nicola Binetti, ricercatore della Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste (Sissa).
Discovery of fundamental law of friction leads to new materials that can minimize energy loss
This work-conducted in collaboration with NYU Tandon graduate student Francesco Lavini, and colleagues from the International School for Advanced Studies, the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste Italy, as well as Prague's Charles University-could lead to more efficient manufacturing processes, greener vehicles, and a generally more sustainable world.
Discovery of fundamental law of friction leads to new materials that can minimize energy loss
Mirage news
This work-conducted in collaboration with NYU Tandon graduate student Francesco Lavini, and colleagues from the International School for Advanced Studies, the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste Italy, as well as Prague's Charles University-could lead to more efficient manufacturing processes, greener vehicles, and a generally more sustainable world.
NYU Tandon researchers explore more frictionless future
Mirage news
This work-conducted in collaboration with NYU Tandon graduate student Francesco Lavini, and colleagues from the International School for Advanced Studies, the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste Italy, as well as Prague's Charles University-could lead to more efficient manufacturing processes, greener vehicles, and a generally more sustainable world.
Discovery of fundamental law of friction leads to new materials that can minimize energy loss
This work-conducted in collaboration with NYU Tandon graduate student Francesco Lavini, and colleagues from the International School for Advanced Studies, the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste Italy, as well as Prague's Charles University-could lead to more efficient manufacturing processes, greener vehicles, and a generally more sustainable world.
NYU Tandon researchers explore a more frictionless future
This work-conducted in collaboration with NYU Tandon graduate student Francesco Lavini, and colleagues from the International School for Advanced Studies, the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste Italy, as well as Prague's Charles University-could lead to more efficient manufacturing processes, greener vehicles, and a generally more sustainable world.
NYU Tandon researchers explore a more frictionless future
Press Release Point
This work-conducted in collaboration with NYU Tandon graduate student Francesco Lavini, and colleagues from the International School for Advanced Studies, the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste Italy, as well as Prague's Charles University-could lead to more efficient manufacturing processes, greener vehicles, and a generally more sustainable world.
Discovery of fundamental law of friction leads to new materials that can minimize energy loss
Science Daily
This work-conducted in collaboration with NYU Tandon graduate student Francesco Lavini, and colleagues from the International School for Advanced Studies, the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste Italy, as well as Prague's Charles University-could lead to more efficient manufacturing processes, greener vehicles, and a generally more sustainable world.
NYU Tandon researchers explore a more frictionless future
This work-conducted in collaboration with NYU Tandon graduate student Francesco Lavini, and colleagues from the International School for Advanced Studies, the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste Italy, as well as Prague's Charles University-could lead to more efficient manufacturing processes, greener vehicles, and a generally more sustainable world.
Al via Algoritmi musicali
Due conferenze, alle 9.30 e alle 11, a ingresso libero, incentrate sulle tomografie applicate alla replicazione di strumenti musicali antichi e sulle neuroscienze, con scienziati quali Domenica Bueti, Associate Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the International School for Advanced Studies (Sissa) of Trieste (Italy).
Sexual objectification: A neuroscientific approach to study social psychological processes
Faculdade de ciencias Lisboa
Carlotta Cogoni is an associate researcher working at IBEB. She graduated in Experimental Biology at the University of Cagliari in 2010, obtained a Master in Neuroscience at the University of Trieste in 2012, and she completed a Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste.
Cnr e Sissa lanciano il nuovo Spoke
Il Piccolo
Sarà guidato dal Cnr e dalla Sissa il nuovo spoke "Materials and Molecular Sciences", uno dei 10 dedicati ad altrettante aree tematiche previste dal Centro nazionale di ricerca in High Performance Computing, Big Data e Quantum Computing, finanziato co fondi Pnrr.
In edicola
Possiamo imparare a gestire lo stress osservando i topi
Il Piccolo
Lo studio pubblicato sulla rivista statunitense Neuron al quale ha lavorato Giulio Matteucci, dottorato Sissa.
In edicola
Nuova aula didattica alla Cri
Il Piccolo
Nell'ultimo Campo Cri, organizzato con Sissa e Ana, è stato adottato lo slogan "Chi si forma, non si ferma".
In edicola
Trieste smart city al centro dell'Europa
Non dimentichiamo che Trieste non è unicamente sede di un'importante università, ma anche polo scientifico e tecnologico internazionale grazie alla presenza di Area Science Park, ICTP (International Centre for Theoretical Physics), ICGEB (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology), SISSA (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati).
Viviana Acquaviva ci dimostra che l'astrofisica non è un lavoro per soli uomini
Dopo gli studi in fisica all'Università di Pisa, Viviana Acquaviva si è spostata a Trieste per frequentare l'International School for Advanced Studies e in seguito negli USA, a Princeton e alla Rutgens University, dove ha perfezionato gli studi in fisica.