Research Committee
Functions: Every task related to the research activity, including its evaluation.
- Director
- Vice-Director
- Secretary General or a representative
- Director's Delegate for research
- For Physics Area- prof. Giovanni Bussi
- For Mathematics Area -prof. Marcello Porta
- For Neuroscience Area -prof. Anna Menini
- Head of the Research Fundings and International Relations Office
Valorization Committee
Functions: All activities related to technology transfer, such as spin-offs, contracts with public institutions, companies and industries, third party or similar.
- Director
- Vice-Director
- Secretary General or a representative
- Director’s Delegate for Valorisation, Innovation, and Industrial Cooperation
- For Physics area- prof. Mario Collura
- For Mathematics area - prof. Giovanni Noselli
- For Neuroscience area - prof. Paul Heppenstall
- Director of Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Natural and Humanistic Sciences or a representative
- Head of Valorization and Innovation Office
Didactic Committee
Functions: Didactic related to PhD and non PhD courses and related topics
- Director
- Vice-Director
- Secretary General or a representative
- Director's Delegate for Didactic
- For Physics area- prof. Annalisa Celotti
- For Mathematics area - prof. Tamara Grava
- For Neuroscience area - prof. Remo Sanges
- Head of Student's Secretariat
- PhD student representative - dott.ssa Meriem Behiri
Services and Resources Committee
Functions: Services and resources, such as maintenance, security, canteen, kindergarten, and related matters.
- Director
- Vice-Director
- Secretary General or a representative
- Teaching staff representative - prof. Matteo Viel
- Administration representative- dott.ssa Morena Canarecci
- PhD students representative - dott. Samuele Giuli
- Coordinator of Economic and financial resources area
Rooms Management Committee
Funcions: Allocating, managing and equipping spaces and related topics
- Director
- Vice-Director
- Secretary General or a representative
- Desk management manager
- For Physics Area- prof. Alessandro Bressan
- For Mathematics Area- prof. Luca Heltai
- For Neuroscience Area - prof. Giuseppe Legname
- Director of Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Natural and Humanistic Sciences or a representative
- Administration representative- dott.ssa Paola Crechici
- PhD students representative - dott. Ariel Surya Boiardi
- Representative of the research personnel in the Academic Senate
- Representative of Health and Safety Service- dott. Tulllio Bigiarini
- Head of Technical and Logistics Office
- Director of ITCS