The seventh edition of the School of Neuroethics, entitled "Prosocial Functions and Addictions. Altruism, empathy and compassion: the role in the condition, the weight in the treatment of the patient and in the well-being of the practitioner/caregiver", will be held in Trieste from June 30th to July 1st. The School of Neuroethics will be preceded by the Addictus Summer School (25-30 June) which will focus on an introduction to pathological addictions.
The School of Neuroethics is organised by the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of SISSA (ILAS) in collaboration with Azienda Regionale di Coordinamento per la Salute (ARCS) - Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Dipartimento per le Dipendenze Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina - ASUGI, Cosmic Lab (Cognition, Social Multimodal Interaction and Communication Laboratory) and Università Roma Tre, with the support of Società Italiana di Neuroetica e Filosofia delle Neuroscienze, Società Italiana Tossicodipendenze Francis Bacon Foundation and Centro di storia e filosofia delle scienze e della cultura.
The Addictus Summer School is organised by ILAS in collaboration with Renbel Group, Medicina delle Dipendenze dell’Azienda Ospedaliero-universitaria Integrata di Verona and CLAD-Onlus (Centro Lotta alle Dipendenze), with the support of Società Italiana Tossicodipendenze, Federazione Italiana degli Operatori dei Dipartimenti e dei Servizi delle Dipendenze, Società Italiana di Neuroetica e Filosofia delle Neuroscienze.
Participation fees
School of Neuroethics: 65 euros. Scholarships are available to cover travel and accommodation up to a maximum of € 230.00. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of the presentation of a CV and a scientific poster relating to the topics covered in this edition of the School. Participation is free of charge for those enrolled in the Addictus Summer School 2023.
Addictus Summer School: 549 euros.
Applications for admission, both to the Addictus Summer School and to the School of Neuroethics, must be submitted by Friday 16 June 2023, subject to availability of places, to the following websites: