Breaking the glass ceiling

Gender Equality Plans (GEP) are strategic documents prepared by universities and scientific intitutions to describe the current situation and the tools aimed at promoting gender balance. As a main action required to gain access to European research funding, a GEP has been recently approved by SISSA, Area Science Park, INAF-OATS, OGS and the University of Trieste. Even the international institutes of the town, such as ICTP and TWAS, which are not required to implement such a plan, have internal policies favouring the employment and career of female researchers. One of the main objectives is “breaking the glass ceiling”, the invisible barrier that stops women to reach apical academic and research positions despite the high number of female students.

On Thursday 5th May, from 4 to 6 pm, at the Urban Centre in Trieste (Corso Cavour, 2/2), the event entitled “Breaking the glass ceiling” will offer an informal debate among female researchers and professionals working in local institutions. Starting from GEPs or other tools, they will discuss what is necessary to really offer men and women equal opportunities.

For more information see 

Location (SISSA room)