Quality assurance system

Quality Assurance Unit (PdQ)

The Quality Assurance Unit supervises the adequate performance of QA procedures based on the guidelines defined by the Governing Bodies.

It provides the necessary support, ex-ante and in progress, to the actors responsible for implementing strategies, monitoring QA processes and ensuring a correct information flow between the Evaluation Committee and the Student-Professor Joint Committee.

In particular, the functions of the Quality Assurance Unit are:

  • coordinating and supporting the procedures for Quality Assurance;
  • verifying and certifying the information requested in the SUA-RD platform;
  • monitoring the surveys of students’ opinions;
  • activating any initiative useful to promote a culture of quality inside the School;
  • evaluating the efficacy of the improvement actions and their actual consequences;
  • monitoring the implementation of steps taken following recommendations and/or conditions formulated by the Commission of Experts for the Evaluation of Schools (CEVS) on external visits.
Director's Delegate for Quality Assurance - Alberto Maspero (Coordinator)
Director’s Delegate for Academic Affairs - Matteo Bertolini
Director’s Delegate for Research - Mathew Diamond
Director’s Delegate for Research Valorisation, Innovation, and Industrial Cooperation - Gianluigi Rozza
One Students’ representative - Andrea Rosana
Secretary General's Delegate - Riccardo Iancer
Head of Education, Research and Valorisation Area - Erica Maran
One member of Strategy and Systems Office (for administrative support) - Silvia Buccaro

Quality Assurance Unit documents

Student-Professor Joint Committee (CPAD)

The Student-Professor Joint Committee, regulated by art. 13 of the SISSA Statute, has the task of annually drawing up a comprehensive report for each PhD course which considers the overall educational offer, with particular reference to the results of the survey on students’ opinions, highlighting any specific problems of individual PhD courses.

Physics Area Professor - Giovanni Bussi 
Mathematics Area Professor - Alessandro Tanzini
Neuroscience Area Professor - Alessia Soldano
Physics Area Students’ representative - Ivan Pasqua
Mathematics Area Students’ representative - Michele Motta
Neuroscience Area Students’ representative - Amisha Aparupa

Student-Professor Joint Committee documents

Evaluation Committee (NdV)

The Evaluation committee, regulated by art. 10 of the Statute, carries out a surveillance role to evaluate the overall efficacy of the School’s QA system ex-post. It also puts forwards proposals for improvement. In fulfilling its role as internal and external evaluator, it operates to increase the culture of quality assurance and the development of the School’s QA system and, at the same time, supports ANVUR and the Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) within the purpose of monitoring compliance with the requirements of the initial and periodic Accreditation of study courses and of premises. It draws up an annual evaluation report according to the guidelines issued by ANVUR, in which it provides information regarding compliance with QA requirements and any initiatives implemented to promote quality. On the basis of this document, the Quality Assurance Unit and the Governing Bodies are ready to receive opinions and suggestions.

External member - Luisa Bienati (Coordinator)
External member - Paolo Edomi
External member - Mauro Volponi
SISSA Internal member - Piero Ullio
SISSA Students' representative - Lorenza Tortella

Contact: click to show email

Evaluation Committee documents

International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC)

As foreseen by art. 11 of the Statute, SISSA has an advisory/evaluation/strategic body, the International Scientific Advisory Committee - ISAC, with the purpose of analysing the progress and development of the School’s scientific activity in relation to the development of international. It meets every three years and draws up a written report making recommendations for the future.

International Scientific Advisory Committee documents