Stefano Liberati, Professor of Astroparticle Physics at SISSA, is the new Director of IFPU, the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe in Trieste. The position will be valid for the period 2023-2027 and completes the new Board of Directors that has recently taken office as the Institute enters its second four-year term.
The IFPU was founded in 2019 as a joint initiative of several organisations: SISSA- Scuola Internaziole Superiore di Studi Avanzati, ICTP-The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, INAF-National Institute of Astrophysics and INFN-National Institute of Nuclear Physics
The Institute promotes multidisciplinary research lines in the field of Astrophysics and Cosmology aimed at understanding the fundamental laws of Nature. This activity is articulated through the funding of various research programmes, open to scientists from all over the world, such as workshops and targeted collaborations of small groups of researchers on topics of interest.
Director Stefano Liberati explains that "in view of the increasing role of the Universe as a privileged laboratory for our fundamental physics investigations, the Institute intends to strengthen its mission in being both a meeting point on these topics for the large local community and an attractor of international excellence that, thanks to its programmes, can visit and enrich our research and training activities. The main aim of the IFPU”, says Professor Liberati, “is in fact to catalyse collaboration and research between teams of national and international scholars who would otherwise work separately on the same themes. In this new cycle of activities, we will not only strengthen this role of ours as a joint research centre thanks to improved space and facilities at our Miramare headquarters. We also intend to launch scientific dissemination initiatives by members of the Institute that can be of service to our fellow citizens, who have always shown great interest in these topics."
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