The Evolution of Knowledge: ripensare la scienza per l’antropocene


In the new podcast born out of the SISSA - Max Planck Institute collaboration, researchers, historians, experts and scholars trace the evolution of human knowledge and science to find new ways to address the challenges of the Anthropocene.

Created on the occasion of the international conference of the same name organized by SISSA's Interdisciplinary Laboratory last July, The Evolution of Knowledge podcast aims to examine the role of knowledge in global transformations, from the origin of human civilization to the present day. Six episodes, covering the history of science using methods and tools from multiple disciplines, from evolutionary biology to cognitive science. 

In the first episode, "Farewell to the Holocene,"  already available on major streaming platforms, historian of science Jürgen Renn and biologist Manfred Laubichler discuss their work in trying to understand the structures of cultural evolution that have brought us to this point, what the field of historiography can learn from evolutionary biology, and how their joint efforts led to the book "The Evolution of Knowledge" by Jürgen Renn, which was also recently translated into Italian (L'evoluzione della conoscenza, Carocci, 2022). Subsequent episodes will be published weekly for the next 5 weeks.

The podcast is written and produced by Diego Visintin, Sophia Grew and Lorenzo Carta, students of SISSA's "Franco Prattico" Master in Science Communication, in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, and is available on all major streaming platforms.

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