More than 500 students in the last two years of study at high schools from 29 class groups at schools in Trieste, Gemona del Friuli, Torino, Udine, Colleferro, Ostuni, San Daniele del Friuli, Brescia and Monfalcone are all getting ready to dive into a world of fascinating subjects. Topics include: maths as you might not have seen it before; the challenges of scientific journalism; a virtual tour of a neurobiology lab; the technological conquest of space, and even the theme of complex physical systems, which was one of the topics of the 2021 Nobel Prize for Physics and the award presented to Italian physicist Giorgio Parisi. There’ll also be a big focus on the very important topic of women in science, with a quiz game “SciENZA donne: il quiz” and related discussion session “SciENZA donne: parliamone”.
9:15 a.m. on 25 February is the start time for the return of SISSA's traditional “Student Day”, which offers a packed programme. The online format will be heavily interactive and brimming with ideas, chats, discussions, quizzes, interviews, fun and games. Director of SISSA, Andrea Romanino will start the day with a welcome address.
Paola Deffendi and Claudio Regeni, the parents of Giulio Regeni, will also be online with a message for the young visitors of the Student Day and the SISSA researchers. The Student Day is part of “SISSA for schools”, a project launched by SISSA Medialab, which for many years has put state schools of all levels in direct contact with the School’s scientific staff.
Welcome address and Science Dialogues “Mathematics. From theory to application, and back again. (10 a.m.)” and “It’s a complex world!” (12 noon) will be accessible to everyone on SISSA’s YouTube channel.
For SISSA community only: To attend the other online sessions of the Student Day, please write an email to by 23 February 2022. The number of accesses is limited.
(Image by Lorenzo Peter Castelletto)