SISSA is among the developers of the first European Master’s programme in HPC

SISSA and ICTP will train the next generation of HPC experts, in the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking initiative, as members of a European consortium

Designing and implementing the first pan-European High Performance Computing (HPC) pilot Master’s programme. This is the main task of the newborn consortium of European universities, research/supercomputing centres and industrial partners that includes SISSA and ICTP Master in High Performance Computing as selected members. With a total budget of EUR 7 million, it will develop a higher education programme to educate students and experts skilled in the HPC field.

Professor Luca Heltai, Director of MHPC says: "SISSA and ICTP, co-founders of the MHPC Specializing Program, have been pioneers in educating experts in High Performance Computing. Today, we are proud to be part of the first pan-European program to create an HPC master's degree and educate the next generation of HPC experts”.

The consortium, lead by University of Luxembrug, was selected following a call for proposals launched in March 2021 by EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, a European initiative aiming to develop a world-class supercomputing and data infrastructure in the EU and to support a highly competitive and innovative HPC ecosystem.

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