69 proposals including essays and novels by 15 publishers are the candidate books for Scienza e Virgola a Science & Media Festival. From climate change to pandemics, from artificial intelligence to botany, from neuroscience to psychology: science and literature are perfectly blended in the wide number of proposals to be selected for the festival organized by the Master’s Course in Science Communication "Franco Prattico" (MCS) of SISSA Interdisciplinary Laboratory (ILAS).
The fifth edition of the event will take place from 26 to 29 May in Trieste and the writer Paolo Giordano is the artistic director of the festival. The deadline for sending book proposals has just expired and the work of the selection committee to choose 10 of the most recent and interesting editorial releases in Italy will start soon. The selected books will be presented by the authors during the days of the event. Beyond book presentations, a rich programme of events will explore media representation of science: Scienza e Virgola will also include theatre shows, documentaries, workshops, events and special guests.