Pursuing the safety policy for the management of Phase 3 and continuing in managing safety issues but also those related to work/life balance, it is necessary to provide the entire SISSA community with indications for possible cases related to health situations also connected to family life.
Case 1:
You have to stay at home and not go to SISSA in case of fever equal to or higher than 37.5° and/or presence of other flu symptoms (sore throat, cough, breathing difficulties) or other symptoms attributable to COVID-19 (loss of smell and taste, diarrhea, diffuse joint and muscle pain or other symptoms). In this case you have to contact General Practictioner or other regional health systems.
This behavior must also be adopted in case of contacts with family members, cohabiting partners or friends showing the symptoms described above. Access to SISSA must be avoided until the clinical situation of the family member/friends is diagnosed. Smart working mode must also be adopted.
Case 2:
You have to stay at home and not go to SISSA in case of cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, joint or muscle pain, etc.), without fever or with slight fever (less than 37.5 °)In this case you have to contact the General Practitioner immediately and scrupulously follow his instructions. It is still strongly recommended to stay at home smart working, even if the doctor does not deem or certify a specific state of illness, until clinical improvement or for 5-7 days.
In the case of similar symptoms of cohabiting family members or friends, it is advisable to follow the heath care practitioner’s instructions and to evaluate, with care and responsibility, to avoid access to SISSA, always preferring smart working with a precautionary approach to protect the SISSA community.
Case 3 a:
Access to SISSA is forbidden and smart working is possible in case of cohabiting family members or friends quarantined by the Regional Health Authorities.
Case 3 b:
Access to SISSA is forbidden and smart working is possible in case of cohabiting children, minors or older than 14, quarantined by the Regional Health Authorities Prevention Department following contacts at school. A more detailed communication addressed to technical and administrative staff will follow with more specific indications in terms of leave provided for in current legislation.
Case 4:
Access to SISSA is not allowed If you receive an exposure notification by the IMMUNI app. In this case you are required to contact the Regional Health Authorities and to strictly adhere to its instructions.
Case 5:
Access to SISSA is not recommended in case of cohabitating family members of friends that were subjected to swab test and are waiting for the result. Smart working mode should be preferred. It is always advisable to maintain a prudent behavior while waiting for the results of swab tests of indirect contacts.
The Regional Health Authorities (Dipartimenti di Prevenzione in Italian) contacts are reported below:
Province of Trieste
Tel: 040 3997490 / 040 3397492
E-mail: profilassi.dip@asugi.sanita.fvg.it
Province of Gorizia
Tel: 0481 592836
E-mail: infettive.profilassi@asugi.sanita.fvg.it
Palmanova, Cervignano del Friuli e San Giorgio di Nogaro area
Tel: 0432 921835
E-mail: infettive.bassafriulana@asufc.sanita.fvg.it
Udine, Tarcento e Cividale del Friuli area
Tel: 0432 553264 (Mon-Fri, from 8:30am untill 2pm)
E-mail: covid19.prevenzione@asufc.sanita.fvg.it