Paolo Bonicatto has been awarded the INdAM-UMI-SIMAI prize for the best PhD thesis in basic mathematics. His doctoral work, under the direction of prof. Stefano Bianchini, "Untangling of trajectories for non-smooth vector fields and Bressan’s Compactness Conjecture", solves the generalization of a conjecture put out by Alberto Bressan in 2003 on a class of ordinary differential equations in any dimensions, connected to uniqueness problems for transport equations in non-regular vector fields ("nearly incompressible"). The most relevant part of the thesis was published in a 138-page article on Inventiones Mathematicae. The thesis received much interest from the international mathematical community, and the awardee spoke about it in various conferences abroad and in Italy, and in several seminars on invitation in universities and research centers.
The award is promoted by Indam (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, ), by SIMAI (Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale, and by the Unione Matematica Italiana, and aims to promote the study of Mathematics, awarding the authors of the best doctoral theses discussed in Italian universities on topics of Mathematics in the three years preceding the opening of the call.
Two of the four prizes are awarded to doctoral theses on basic topics in mathematics, two to theses on applications-oriented mathematics topics. Each prize amounts to € 2,500
Paolo Bonicatto wins the INdAM-UMI-SIMAI prize for best PhD Thesis
The award was given for his thesis titled "Untangling of trajectories for non-smooth vector fields and Bressan’s Compactness Conjecture"