Taking stock of the progress and laying the foundations for future collaborations. This is the twofold objective of the kick-off meeting of the Leonardo project, that will take place at SISSA on 29 and 30 January 2020.
Funded by the European Commission (EuroHPC JU) and the Ministry of the University and Research, conceived and managed by the Cineca Interuniversity Consortium in collaboration with the INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics and SISSA, Leonardo will be one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world, able to project Italy towards the exascale class of high performance computing for research and innovation.
Focus of the meeting will be the identification of the scientific challenges that Leonardo will allow to face in the various disciplines, from material sciences to climate change, and its potential role in facilitating the process of technology transfer.
The workshop will also be the first opportunity for stakeholders from all countries that are part of the consortium to meet: Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary. The goal is to share the infrastructure roadmaps of the participating countries. This will allow to make the most of a resource such as Leonardo and to define the contribution of each country, considering both the priorities of the participants and the needs of the European research community.