The company issues the challenge and the young of SISSA respond, using their scientific talents to find solutions to the needs of local businesses. This is the fresh approach of PhD4PMI, a pilot initiative conceived and organised by SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies - in association with Confindustria of Venezia Giulia. The main results of the project will be presented during the event “PhD4PMI, com è andata? L’iniziativa pilota si racconta” which will be held at SISSA, in via Bonomea 265, on 21 June from 11 am.
It will provide the perfect opportunity to become acquainted with the key features of an idea, unique in Italy, which has put businesses in contact with PhD students and new doctors in physics, mathematics and neurosciences of the School in Trieste called to find tangible solutions to the “challenges” issued to them by the companies. In this way, using their creativity and competences, the PhD students met the SMEs, small and medium sized enterprises, giving way to PhD4PMI.