«It is a great honour for me to receive this award. I see it as an acknowledgement for my research, but also for SISSA, the institute where I have worked for many years and which has given me the opportunity to carry out my studies in the best possible way, to meet outstanding scientists, to engage in an international context, to train new researchers and to thrive as a person and as a scientist». This is how Barbara Fantechi comments the announcement of the “Prof. Luigi Tartufari” international award 2018 in mathematics, that she obtained with equal merit together with Professor Felix Otto, and that was presented to her by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Barbara Fantechi studied at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa and continued her career working in important research institutes in Italy and abroad. In the sector of algebraic geometry, her field of interest, she is the author of very high profile scientific publications. Recently, she spent some time studying and lecturing at the University of Berkeley with the prestigious title of "Chancellor Professor". The award was presented during the Solemn closing Ceremony of the Lincei’s Academic Year, the 415th since the foundation of the world's oldest Academy, on 22 June, at Palazzo Corsini, Rome. The Italian President, Sergio Mattarella, attended the ceremony.