Guido De Philippis has won the Gold medal “Guido Stampacchia”. The prize awards under 35 scientists who have carried out significant research in the field of Variational Analysis and Applications. The Prize is announced every three years by “International School of Mathematics “Guido Stampacchia”, part of the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for ScientiIic Culture, and the Mathematics Italian Union (Unione Matematica Italiana).
Guido De Philippis has been already awarded several important prizes such as the Gioacchino Iapichino Prize of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (2012), the Carlo Miranda Prize of the the Accademia di Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche di Napoli (2014) and the EMS European Mathematical Society (2016). Stampacchia Prize is one of the first awards the Professor has received after his return to Italy. His choice was motivated by the offer received from SISSA: "When the chance to move to SISSA came up, I was in Lyon. One of the main reasons that led me to make this decision was the very high level of the Institute and the excellent scientific context where I can do my research".
De Philippis research interests are in the area of Calculus of Variations, Geometric Measure Theory and and Partial Derivative Equations. His studies focuses on the properties of functional minima, with various implications both in pure and applied mathematics. This is a research area that has a long tradition at SISSA
The medal will be awarded during the opening ceremony of the International Conference “Variational Analysis and Applications” which will be held at the “Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for ScientiIic Culture” from 25 August to 5 September in Erice (Sicily).