Research in the Physics Area at SISSA focuses on diverse topics, that cover:
- Astroparticle Physics (APP): It is an interdisciplinary field merging astrophysics, cosmology, and particle physics, aims at addressing fundamental issues ranging from origin of the universe and the nature of gravity to the understanding of dark matter and dark energy.
- Astrophysics and Cosmology (APC): Understanding the early universe, cosmic background radiation, dark matter, black holes, and galaxy formation.
- Condensed Matter Physics (CM): Development of methods (Quantum Monte Carlo, Dynamical Mean-Field, Theory, Gutzwiller) to the investigation of a variety of systems spanning the most active research lines of modern solid state, from high-temperature superconductors to nanoscale devices including many other materials, heterostructures and model systems.
- Statistical Physics (SP): Address crucial questions about the nature of phase transitions and foresees the possibility to forge new states of matter, like Bose–Einstein condensation in ultracold gases. It focuses as well on more theoretical directions, like quantum field theory, exactly solved models, random matrices, complex systems, probability, topological quantum computation.
- Molecular and Statistical Biophysics (MSB): Development and application of theoretical and computational approaches to characterize the properties of biomolecular systems. Most of the research activity is devoted to characterize the kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanics of proteins and nucleic acids and to seek quantitative comparison with experimental data.
- Theoretical Particle Physics (TPP): Its aim is to study and develop theories and models devoted to the understanding and unification of the four fundamental interactions in Nature. The main research lines, at present, are: Physics within and Beyond the Standard Model, Neutrino physics, String Theory, the AdS/CFT correspondence, Supersymmetric field theories as well as alternative quantum theories of Gravity.
- Theoretical and Scientific Data Science (TSDS): Study of machine learning problems and their application to natural sciences, combined with a strong interest in public engagement and experience in effective and impactful knowledge transfer. Highly multi-disciplinary with problems that span from astrophysics to system biology.
Collaborations and Laboratories:
- ICTP (International Centre for Theoretical Physics): SISSA Physics Area maintains strong links with ICTP, promoting global collaboration in theoretical physics and fostering advanced training for young scientists from around the world.
- INFN: SISSA hosts several scientists from INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) which actively collaborate with SISSA staff, especially in the fields of TPP, APP, SP and APC
- CNR: many scientists from CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) are hosted in SISSA, which actively collaborate with SISSA staff, especially il the fields of CM and SBP
The Physics Area also engages with industrial partners through joint projects and participates in the iNEST Innovation Ecosystem of North-East Italy (PNRR framework).
Educational Programs:
The Physics Area plays a key role in several advanced degree programs, including:
- PhD Programs: SISSA offers a prestigious PhD program in each forementioned area of physics, attracting students globally to work on frontier problems.
- Joint Master's Programs: SISSA is involved in a joint Master in Physics if the Complex Systems, in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino, Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité and Université Paris Saclay.
- Master in Scientific Computing: Together with ICTP and other institutions, the Physics Area is also engaged in the master’s program for High-Performance Computing (HPC), designed to provide advanced training in computational physics and data science.
Master in Data Management and Curation: designed to equip students with the expertise to manage, organize, and curate large datasets across various fields, including research, industry, and public administration. This program focuses on the essential skills required to handle data lifecycle processes, from collection and storage to preservation, sharing, and reuse.
- Teaching offer
- Colloquia and seminars
Coordinator: Pasquale Calabrese (SP)
Vice-coordinator: Cristian Micheletti (MSB)
Ph.D. Course Coordinators:
Francesco Benini (TPP)
Carlo Baccigalupi (APC)
Cristian Micheletti (MSB)
Gesualdo Delfino (SP)
Alessandro Silva (CM)
Enrico Barausse (APP)
Roberto Trotta (TSDS)
Faculty Senate Representatives:
Angelo Rosa (MSB)
Matteo Viel (APP)
Post-Doc Area Representative:
- Olivier Languin-Cattoën (MSB)
Student Area Representatives:
- Anant Shri (TPP)
Fabrizio Aramini (TPP)
Emma Dreas (APC)
Pieter van der Hoek (MSB)
Samuel Tamagnone (MSB)
Ivan Pasqua (CM)
Cecilia Olivieri (APP)
Alessio Giorlandino (TSDS)